Thursday, August 29, 2013

To Homeschool or NOT to homeschool?

Throughout my years of bringing up my son with Asperger syndrome/ADHD, I've often debated whether I should have resorted to homeschooling as a better option due to his lackluster experience putting it mildly, while attending our local public schools.  We live in Staten Island, New York, a sort of overcrowded semi-suburb that lies between New Jersey and Brooklyn.  We are one of the five boroughs, the typically least talked about or noticed one in comparison to the other boroughs.  Our Department of Education in New York City was overtaken by Mayor Bloomberg along with the Chancellor.  Their quest was to raise the bar for students, even those with disabilities.  Stress levels increased as a result, and continue to trend upwards, both in teachers, parents, but especially in our students.  All creativity is being essentially stripped away in favor of having our children "College and Career ready" as early on as pre-kindergarten.  Art and music programs are cut from the budget, and teachers MUST teach to a new set curriculum with little room for flexibility.  Teachers here in NYC are mandated to teach a new common core standard curriculum and must repeatedly see via "testing" where students fall on a continuum of skills learned and to predict outcomes for the all to well know state tests, the culmination of many months of pressure and preparation.   With all this going on, it seems my mind drifts more then ever to homeschooling as an increasingly viable option, especially since many of our special kids learn differently then the rod inflexible system allows for.  Many special kids are hands-on, kinesthetic learners and are also highly visual, and demand multisensory approaches with frequent breaks to regroup.  They need that time out from hours of lame sitting and pen/paper work including note taking and other boring, meaningless mechanics that just slow true brain mechanics of learning down.  The homeschooler has options to teach at a unique pace, in a unique place, and to take as many field trips as it requires to get the child to take it all in and learn in meaningful, memorable, fun ways..projects can be fun with no pressure, books can be read via electronic means, and many websites now promote homeschooling programs and colorful resources and tools at our disposal, when we need them.  I think homeschooling options will continue to rise and be more widespread in direct correlation to the downward spiral of public school programs..the reasons homeschooled children can and do succeed is because they are as exposed as much as public school counterparts, if not more so to the outside world through arts venues, historic and scientific museums, nature centers and other community resources.  Sport teams, or music/art activities allow for the necessary socialization component.  Scouting and other groups or volunteering are always an option as well.  Homeschoolers can and do link up to others that do the same.  Plans for meeting state guidelines must be sent in to have it approved but in the end, it may be worth giving a try, though it isn't for just any parent..having a lot of creativity, patience, energy and organizational skills I'd think are pretty much mandatory to be up to this dedicated task.  It's an option to consider and many do choose this when no other community school program can meet their childs' unique all in all, it is at least food for thought..It will be interesting to see what the future holds for utilizing homeschooling as the chosen option for special needs kids!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Gift : Strength

The Gift : Strength: “ During times of great vulnerability and challenge, we are ironically called upon to access tremendous mental strength, hope and faith oft...

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Gift : A Look Inside

The Gift : A Look Inside: A Look inside at been a Special Need Mom This Blog is directed totally at all the special need mom's out there. We go through each d...

And the State Test Scores are in!

Well folks, it really comes as no surprise that New York City schools saw a huge plunge in the ELA and Math State test scores for 2013.  Our children were tested for the first time with the newly implemented common core curriculum standard, that will spread out like an unwelcome alien across the United States, and the results clearly reflect how unprepared our teachers and students were.  Teachers were not trained extensively and in a timely enough manner, but yet were expected to get this common core curriculum down our childrens' throats, and quickly for that matter. At least some moderate degree of success was expected, no?  Or was it common knowledge NYC students would fail in large numbers as has never seen before?  Dismal statistics indicate just a little over 25%  to  30% of students tested this year officially "passed" the state tests maybe reaching a level 2, "approaching standards."  The remaining 70% or more fell "way below" standards. 

This curriculum was not given the due time needed to develop and be adequately taught in order for our children to succeed even modestly.  For parents like myself with learning disabled children, it's a mine field, exploding with the scary truth in how ill versed our Department of Education is when it comes down to actually teaching our children so they can learn, and remain motivated to learn.  Special needs students with disabilities will fall through the system's ever widening cracks, as they are expected to be "college and career ready" according to our "brilliant" Mayor Bloomberg, aka "billionaire who has not a clue about how children learn"businessman in charge of our most precious and vulnerable resources, our children. 

Let's pick ourselves up moms, and realize our children are so much more then a number/score, and go with the flow as it comes.  We need to stay true to how our special kids learn best and foster their unique style of learning, and continue to advocate for them.  We will ride the tide and remain strong and vigilant.  We as moms continue to know our children best and must continue to clearly communicate their learning needs and assure all their mandated services are provided as part of their right to a FAPE.  Wishing you all a strong start to the new school year that is almost upon us!  Don't give up the fight moms!  With mutual support and knowledge, we can and will get through these murky waters together. 

Warm regards,
Patty DeLeo

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sensory Goods: Top 5 Reason's to Shop with Sensory Goods

Sensory Goods: Top 5 Reason's to Shop with Sensory Goods: If this is the first time your hearing of our company, or you have visited us before, please be aware that  we are people pleasers. We base ...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Well, five weeks into summer vacation, four and a half to go..then another LONG school year!

If I'm to be perfectly honest, which I always am to a fault, I dread the first day of school for my 16 year old on September9th.  I dread all the papers that are sent home to be signed, the lunch forms, the class "contracts" which essentially to me are a pure waste of time as well as paper.  Class contracts become quite commonplace in high school when young adults typically are able to understand that they must be responsible and comply with all the detailed policies, which of course will differ from teacher to teacher.  To a young adult on the spectrum or ADHD, it is wordy, petty, generic, a waste, but yet requires their often counts as a homework credit!   To a special needs teen, all they really want and care about is an "unwritten" contract, aka meaningful promise from the teacher they will face, not knowing if the teacher will "get them" or not; it's all in the throw of the dice. Ideas for this contract for a teen on the spectrum would read as follows,  I will teach you to the best of my ability.  I will take a moment to notice when you are lost and tuning out, and redirect you the best I can during lessons.  I will do this with dignity and with a gentle touch or soft demeanor, not to mortify you in front of 30 other students.  I will understand when tests are becoming a huge problem, and may need to be modified in format or length, and will trust in what the paraprofessional says works best for you.  I will even go so far as to assure a copy of material you may miss because you were "out" for counseling during my class or having a mini meltdown or needed that five minute break in the hall to regroup.  And of course, I will allow extra time for homework(which I promise NOT to overload you as I know you just barely get through 6 hours of pure sensory and cognitive bombardment).  I'll go even further and actually read, interpret and FOLLOW your mandates on your IEP!  Now that's a contract worth paper! 

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Thrifty Decor Chick

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