Friday, August 9, 2013

And the State Test Scores are in!

Well folks, it really comes as no surprise that New York City schools saw a huge plunge in the ELA and Math State test scores for 2013.  Our children were tested for the first time with the newly implemented common core curriculum standard, that will spread out like an unwelcome alien across the United States, and the results clearly reflect how unprepared our teachers and students were.  Teachers were not trained extensively and in a timely enough manner, but yet were expected to get this common core curriculum down our childrens' throats, and quickly for that matter. At least some moderate degree of success was expected, no?  Or was it common knowledge NYC students would fail in large numbers as has never seen before?  Dismal statistics indicate just a little over 25%  to  30% of students tested this year officially "passed" the state tests maybe reaching a level 2, "approaching standards."  The remaining 70% or more fell "way below" standards. 

This curriculum was not given the due time needed to develop and be adequately taught in order for our children to succeed even modestly.  For parents like myself with learning disabled children, it's a mine field, exploding with the scary truth in how ill versed our Department of Education is when it comes down to actually teaching our children so they can learn, and remain motivated to learn.  Special needs students with disabilities will fall through the system's ever widening cracks, as they are expected to be "college and career ready" according to our "brilliant" Mayor Bloomberg, aka "billionaire who has not a clue about how children learn"businessman in charge of our most precious and vulnerable resources, our children. 

Let's pick ourselves up moms, and realize our children are so much more then a number/score, and go with the flow as it comes.  We need to stay true to how our special kids learn best and foster their unique style of learning, and continue to advocate for them.  We will ride the tide and remain strong and vigilant.  We as moms continue to know our children best and must continue to clearly communicate their learning needs and assure all their mandated services are provided as part of their right to a FAPE.  Wishing you all a strong start to the new school year that is almost upon us!  Don't give up the fight moms!  With mutual support and knowledge, we can and will get through these murky waters together. 

Warm regards,
Patty DeLeo

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